Samantha Maternity Photos

Summer Maternity Photos

When I first started doing photography again I didn’t know how to get new clients in the Gardnerville/Lake Tahoe area, so I began advertising on Groupon. I ended up booking two shoots in Lake Tahoe through Groupon before I cancelled the ad. I loved the opportunity to gain new clients but I quickly realized that Groupon takes A LOT of money from the seller, and typically the people that use it are visitors to the area, and therefore not returning clients which is what you really want as a photographer.

Michael purchased this shoot as a surprise for Samantha, he obviously had to tell her a day or two before so she could come prepared for photos but I’m sure she was still very excited. They really wanted to shoot on the beach but at that time I was not able to purchase permits for Sand Harbor and she was not able to hike down to the few beaches that I knew of. I am a lot more knowledgeable now and I make sure to take time to really find locations that my clients will love. Luckily they also liked this beautiful meadow I found on one of my location scouting trips and we were able to do there shoot there. She was a beautiful mama to be, and I’m sure a stunning mother now!